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Image Reference Number: EPBW10_60_3
Title: Ercol: Showroom Exhibition Stand
Photographer: unknown
Date: c. 1969
Decade: 1960-1969
Manufacturer: Ercol Furniture Ltd.
Description: B/W photographic print showing: Ercol showroom gallery exhibit - Double Bow Windsor Chair c. 1675, Ercol Double Bow Windsor Chair (472) in solid elm and beech.
This old double bow Windsor chair is one of the finest examples of the period. Long ago the first Windsor chairs were probably made by farmers - most farmers of the time made their own implements - farm wagons and wheelbarrows, and were equipped with pole lathes and adze and some simple means of boring holes. This old chair crudely finished, as might be expected, but comfortable to sit in and sturidily made. It had the possibility of furture development but for two Centuries, partly because of undeveloped techniques in connection with the precise bending of timber and because of the lack of knowledge on seasoning timber, it remained almost a country industry. Even up to twenty years ago it was thought impossible to mechanise the production of the Windsor chair. Ercol Furniture thought a great deal could be contributed by following the elegant theme of simplicity of the Windsor chair. If this could be brought up to date by design and technology, here was a theme of design set apart untouched by convention of stylisation and symbolism of the Centuries - here was a chance to enhance the work of the unknown man who made this chair. Twenty years of study and development followed by which new machines and processes were invented and here we see its modern counterpart. Two hundred years hence new generations will recoginse that in this chair homage has been paid to the skilful past and a step forward to lasting quality and elements as demanded by our contemporary way of life.'
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: photographic print
Object Dimensions (cm.): 26 x 30
Colour Type: black and white
Cataloguer: Stephen Gange-Moody
Date Catalogued: 05/11/2008 00:00
Auto ID Number: 2105
Categories: Furniture Manufacturing/ Processes, Advertising and Promotions/ Point of Sale and Retailing