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Image Reference Number: GF04_06
Title: G-Plan Chinese white dressing table and 3-drawer chest
Photographer: uknown
Date: 1957
Decade: 1950-1959
Manufacturer: E Gomme Ltd.
Range Name:
Chinese white
Description: G-Plan Chinese white dressing table (model 1840) with cheval mirror and glass shelves, dressing stool (B885) and G-Plan three drawer chest (B882). The dressing table illustrates how 'Chinese white' was integrated into other G-Plan ranges (in this case the piece has 'Brandon' handles and legs) by being offered as an optional finish.
Notes: The dressing table isn't on the 1956 price lists in GA12, so presumably it was launched in 1957. Model numbers are written in pencil on the album page. Model number for the chest is from the G-Plan catalogue ca. 1956 (GM10).
Technical Terms & Materials:
dressing tables
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: photographic print
Object Dimensions (cm.): 20 x 31
Colour Type: black and white
Context: This print is on page six of the G-Plan 1957 'New Models' folder
Cataloguer: Lisa Hodgkins
Date Catalogued: 01/11/2007 00:00
Auto ID Number: 701
Categories: Room Sets/ Bedrooms/ 1950-1959, Furniture Models/ E. Gomme Limited / G-Plan/ 1950-1959