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Image Reference Number: GBX06_23
Title: G-Plan Chinese white bedroom
Photographer: Hess of Fox Photos Ltd.
Date: ca 1956-1957
Decade: 1950-1959
Manufacturer: E Gomme Ltd.
Range Name:
Chinese white
Description: Bedroom set showing Chinese white dresssing table with triple mirror (model no. B893), 3-drawer chest (B918), dressing stool (B885), headboard (B908), armless easy chair (404), Siesta chair (411), bedside tables and long occasional table (B884). Advert in the 'Sunday Graphic' 28 October 1956 (GA12) describes the Chinese white range as being ' finished in a light sunny oak and Chinese white. Gleaming brass accents provide highlights. Designs, too, are in the new, more sophisticated, Italian mood'.
Notes: According to an advert in 'The Cabinet Maker' 15 December 1956, the Chinese white range was launched in September 1956. Model numbers for the dressing table, chest and headboard are written on the reverse of the print. Other model numbers are from the 1957 'New Models' folder. The 'Siesta chair' is shown in the 'More New G-Plan Pieces' flyer in GM08. A duplicate copy of this photo is in the 1957 'New Models' folder. 'Hess of Fox Photos Ltd.' photographer's stamp is on the reverse of the print.
Technical Terms & Materials:
dressing tables
occasional tables
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: photographic print
Object Dimensions (cm.): 25.5 x 20
Colour Type: black and white
Cataloguer: Lisa Hodgkins
Date Catalogued: 30/10/2007 00:00
Auto ID Number: 694
Categories: Room Sets/ Bedrooms/ 1950-1959