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Image Reference Number: GM10_26
Title: G-Plan furniture catalogue
Photographer: unknown
Date: 1956
Decade: 1950-1959
Manufacturer: E Gomme Ltd.
Designer/Creator: Wilkins, Victor Bramwell
Description: Page 28 of 1956 G-Plan furniture catalogue illustrating Chesterfield chair (411) and matching stool (412) introduced in 1954/55. Also shown are small chests/cupboards B829, B821, B869, B870, B822.
Notes: B411 Chesterfield chair was also known as the Siesta chair. It had pre-moulded latex cushions on tension springs. Date derived from the fact that catalogue includes items made in tola and black, introduced for 1956, but not 'chinese white' introduced in the latter part of that year.
Technical Terms & Materials:
bedside cabinets
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: catalogue page
Object Dimensions (cm.): 24 x 34
Colour Type: black and white
Context: Page 28 of G-Plan Furniture catalogue
Cataloguer: Oliver Heal
Date Catalogued: 24/09/2007 00:00
Auto ID Number: 543
Categories: Advertising and Promotions/ Catalogues and Brochures/ 1950-1959, Furniture Models/ E. Gomme Limited / G-Plan/ 1950-1959