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Image Reference Number: GM10_09
Title: G-Plan furniture catalogue
Photographer: uknown
Decade: 1950-1959
Manufacturer: E Gomme Ltd.
Range Name:
Description: Page 11 of 1956 G-Plan furniture catalogue showing 'Librenza' units, B881P with desk fitment and B880P with cocktail cabinet and space for TV set finished in light oak with contrasting black-lacquered panels. The 'librenza' free standing storage units, introduced in 1956, were also available in 'glowing walnut-brown finish and black'. They could be used as room-dividers or, by moving the central support, stood flat against the wall.
Notes: Librenzas were available until the early 1960s. Date derived from the fact that catalogue includes items made in tola and black, introduced for 1956, but not 'chinese white' introduced in the latter part of that year.
The name ' Librenza' was devised by Doris Gundry (J Walter Thompson - advertising agency) being a combination of library and cadenza. Doris Gundry was also the inspiration behind the G-Plan name and early G-Plan slogans. ref: HWFA Research Material, Sept 2007, Leslie Dandy notes ' A Designer's View. Unpublished comments.
dining rooms
living rooms
Technical Terms & Materials:
dining tables
dining chairs
storage units
room dividers
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: catalogue page
Object Dimensions (cm.): 24 x 34
Colour Type: black and white
Context: Page 11 of G-Plan Furniture catalogue
Cataloguer: Oliver Heal
Date Catalogued: 18/09/2007 00:00
Auto ID Number: 526
Categories: Advertising and Promotions/ Catalogues and Brochures/ 1950-1959, Room Sets/ Living Rooms/ 1950-1959, Room Sets/ Dining Rooms/ 1950-1959