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Image Reference Number: EPC01_93_355_505_02
Title: Ercol Windsor Bergere bed-sitting room set
Date: ca 1969-1970
Decade: 1970-1979
Manufacturer: Ercol Furniture Ltd.
Range Name:
Windsor Bergere
Description: Windsor Bergere furniture in a bedsit room set. Includes model numbers 355, 505, 449A, 514, 213, 509. Ercol advert in 'The Cabinet Maker' 17 Oct 1958 p. 165 describes how to convert the Studio Couch from a settee into a bed: 'the transformation is simplicity itself. Three wing-nuts swiftly unscrew so that the solid elm backboard can be neatly removed. Yes, thanks to foam rubber cushions and resilient rubber webbing suspension, the Studio Couch is a dream of comfort day and night.'
Notes: Date is based on publication dates of books on the shelves - most of which were published in 1969.
Technical Terms & Materials:
Windsor chairs
occasional tables
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: transparency
Object Dimensions (cm.): 25 x 20
Colour Type: colour
Date Catalogued: 07/02/2007 00:00
Auto ID Number: 29
Categories: Room Sets/ Bedrooms/ 1960-1969