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Image Reference Number: EPC01_91_203
Title: Ercol chair 203
Photographer: unknown
Date: unknown
Manufacturer: Ercol Furniture Ltd.
Designer/Creator: Ercolani, Lucian R
Range Name:
Description: The Ercol 203 chair developed as part of the Windsor range in 1953. Date of photograph is unknown but chair continued in production for many years.
Angle of View/Elevation: Back View
Notes: There are two laminated copies of this colour print. There is a matching negative (colour faded) in ENC01_91_203.
The following text is from a leaflet issued by the Company to mark the 25th anniversary of the 203 chair's introduction :
"?On a wet November night 1953 ? at an unbelievably late hour ? the lights were burning in the prototype shop ? a familiar voice boomed out, ?Look, Tom, that will see us through two or three months!?. The Old Man was pointing at a chair he had been developing for years ? the 203 Easy Chair ? it has no other name but its number. The ?Tom? he boomed at was Tom Redrup, still very much with us today ? who shared with the Old Man in evolving the chair in its infancy ? and so is the chair with us today after 25 years."
Technical Terms & Materials:
Windsor chairs
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: photographic print
Object Dimensions (cm.): 16.5 x 22
Colour Type: colour
Cataloguer: Oliver Heal
Date Catalogued: 06/07/2007 00:00
Auto ID Number: 289
Categories: Furniture Models/ Ercol Furniture Limited / Furniture Industries/ 1970-1979