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Image Reference Number: GC02_19
Title: Gomme bedroom furniture
Photographer: unknown
Date: 1937
Decade: 1930-1939
Manufacturer: E Gomme Ltd.
Description: A corner wardrobe and matching bedroom suite from 'Silent Salesman' leaflet B.755 in 1937 Gomme Bedroom Furniture catalogue. Wardrobe B.735, headboard fitment B758, Chest B.753, dressing table B721, chairs 426 & 439, drum table 0844 are shown. Four possible colour schemes are suggested and the Gomme 'Broad Beaten Road' logo -'The Mark of Quality and Exclusiveness' - is featured.
Notes: Wardrobe B.735 (registered design no. 814,121) incorporates "features that merit careful consideration" with its curved wings "that displace the useless corners of most corner fitments" and are fitted with shelves. The design also includes applied decorative features. The colour schemes are: i) 202 Pastel green, or ii) Broken white matt, both with gold turnall handles, chromium lamps, 964 tapestry. iii) No.4 Pastel blue matt with black Bakelite handles chromium lamps, black velveteen. iv) Green and silver limed oak with white Bakelite handles, chromium lamps, green velveteen.
Technical Terms & Materials:
dressing tables
finish (coating)
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: catalogue page
Object Dimensions (cm.): 39 x 25.5
Colour Type: black and white
Context: Two pages from 1937 Gomme Bedroom Furniture catalogue
Cataloguer: Oliver Heal
Date Catalogued: 29/06/2007 00:00
Auto ID Number: 224
Categories: Advertising and Promotions/ Catalogues and Brochures/ 1930-1939, Furniture Models/ E. Gomme Limited / G-Plan/ 1930-1939