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Image Reference Number: EPBW01_91_407
Title: Ercol: Wardrobe
Photographer: unknown
Decade: 1960-1969
Manufacturer: Ercol Furniture Ltd.
Range Name:
Description: B/W photographic print showing: Windsor Wardrobe (407).
Notes: This image suggests it is an early version of model (480). This model (407) does not appear after Ercol's 1961 catalogue. Ercol's catalogue for 1962 shows model (407) replaced by (480). Wardrobe models with just a round handle and not set within the characteristic oval recess, were phased out after Ercol's 1961 catalogue.
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: photographic print
Object Dimensions (cm.): 16 x 21
Colour Type: black and white
Cataloguer: Stephen Gange-Moody
Date Catalogued: 06/10/2008 00:00
Auto ID Number: 2184
Categories: Furniture Models/ Ercol Furniture Limited / Furniture Industries/ 1960-1969