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Image Reference Number: GBX03_08
Title: G-Plan: Design Drawings
Date: May 28th 1968
Decade: 1960-1969
Manufacturer: E Gomme Ltd.
Description: Page 7 of folio 'Studio Design Preview 1968' showing a design for a dining chair. ref: GBX03, G-Plan Boxed Folios.
Notes: To date, our research has shown this was not a production piece. HWFA holds approx. 27 'Studio Design Preview' folios, spanning between 1960 -1976. Most are complete, several are in part. The folios were presented at 'Preview to the Board' meetings and show new designs which had reached prototype stage. Many show sketched amendments, notes and alterations
dining rooms
design drawings
Copyright: contact HWeFA for details about re-use of this image
Collection Title: HWeFA
Object Type: design drawing
Object Dimensions (cm.): 29 x 15
Colour Type: colour
Cataloguer: Stephen Gange-Moody
Date Catalogued: 07/07/2008 00:00
Auto ID Number: 1696
Categories: Designs and Artwork/ Dining Rooms/ 1960-1969